The Art of Memory. The Monumental Cemetery of Verona open-air museum
This event has ended
19 October 2019
15:30 - 19:00
The emotional journey started with the photographic exhibition by the Tommasoli Archive continues in the Monumental Cemetery of Verona, where some of the numerous monuments photographed by the authors will be commented.
The guided tour will begin in the main atrium of the cemetery and will start from the Erbisti Smania and Zanella monuments which, together with the mausoleums of the Allegri Zorzi and Monga families, are among the subjects of the period photographs exhibited within the exhibition. Then he will continue in the intercolumnio and stylobate of the Cimitero Barbieri to discover the protagonist works of the most evocative photographs, including the monuments erected for the Pindemonte Moscardo, Peruzzi, Valtancoli, Sartori and Cesaris Demel families. The guided tour will end in the inter-column of the Cimitero Nuovo, where the Pasti and Bedoni monuments and the tombstone of the futurist artist Umberto Boccioni are preserved.
The initiative is free and will start at 3:30 pm. At the end of the guided tour at 6:00 pm in the church of the Santissimo Redentore (Most Holy Redeemer), inside the Piis Lacrimis pantheon, the concert of “I Virtuosi Italiani” will be staged, directed by the maestro Alberto Martini, artistic director of the Teatro Ristori in Verona.
Reservations are mandatory and must be made by calling +39 045 8051311 or by email at by 16 October 2019 indicating the The Art of Memory. The Monumental Cemetery of Verona open-air museumproprio name and surname and number of participants. The guided tour will last approximately two hours. The reservation will be considered valid only upon receipt of a confirmation from the organization’s staff.