Allegri Zorzi monument

AUTHOR: Ugo Zannoni

Monumento Allegri Zorzi

The monument is an example of how families of high social class celebrated their dead and is one of the most expensive of the Monumental Cemetery: at that time, to build their own sepulcher, the Allegri Zorzi family spent 70 thousand liras, which today correspond to about 290 thousand euros. There are three protagonists of the scene: Scipione Zorzi who lies composed in the funeral bed with his hands gathered to his chest, the widow Giulietta Cressotti who draws near her dead husband and, on the left, a stocky-looking and squat farmer with a scythe belt that kneels on a sheaf of ears to offer Scipione a bouquet of wild flowers, a sign of affection and gratitude towards the owner. The picture reflects the positivistic confidence of social ascent and justice, represented with a taste between neo-Gothic and neo-Renaissance and made with polychrome marbles, bronze inlays and gilding.

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